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The file keeps registering as a Trojan Virus, and won't let me download it.

I don't know enough about that kind of stuff to help you :|
it's a standard unity project

Well, I can't get it working.

Windows sucks. I'll keep an eye for an update-maybe that'll make it work on my end.

Where is the first one and is there any AI art in this game? 

The original doesnt work since flash died. A lot of the stuff you can't see like backgrounds that are hidden behind menus are generated. Am not going to spend time on drawing stuff people cant see :p

Loved it! I can't wait to see more of it. Armors set bonuses could nice! And some restrictive attires and weapons like an armbinder as a weapon would be huge! 


I thought those kinds of outfits would be fun, but it'd be really hard to implement. It's the same with a lot of hats that would mess up the layering of things :p
But if I figure out a way it'd work i think it'd be a great addition :3


yes, it's so good to this brought back to live again!



God yes, we are so back bois. Thank you for bringing this back, Ellabelle!

Can we take off/ unequip stuff? I'm trying to take off this helmet - right clicking and dragging to inventory doesn't work.

Might I suggest having water always available at the merchant? Or at the well, a choice between lucky find or an option for 100% chance water?  There was a day or two where I couldn't get the top ingredient to make an elixir so I did have to throw the run.

There was a major jump in difficulty. I was able to beat the goblin cave first run - but going into it a second time is a massacre. You might want to put into the help section that the dungeons get tougher as the player beats them.

I like how compared to the first one, the smut is more incorporated into the game and I like how it's more roguelike now!

If this ends up your main project, I'll definitely try to be a supporter.

Ive added a way to unequip your weapon, hopefully that'll fix some of the weight issues :p
And what games i focus on is based a lot of Patreon feedback

thx for playing :3

Where can I find the original version, since this one isn't finished?

It doesn't work very well after flash went down...

Oh gotcha. I didn't realize it was a flash game.